English Teaching Jobs in Turkey
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Teaching Jobs in Turkey - Hundreds of Exciting Vacancies Right Now!
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Everything you need to know about getting a job teaching English in Turkey

You Will Get:
- Advice about getting a teaching job in Turkey.
- Strategies for non-native speakers to get hired faster.
- Job vacancy announcements.
- CV writing and design tips.
- Job interview tips.
- Ideas for teaching vocabulary and grammar to Turkish students.
- Discussions about behaviour management issues.
- Teacher training courses and lesson plan materials.
Hundreds of Jobs
From highly paid top level jobs to entry level opportunities for the newly qualified.
Jobs available all year round.
Approved Schools
We have worked with the same group of schools for a long time.
Our teachers and our friends work there too!
Residence and Work Permits
Getting your paperwork sorted can be a nightmare.
We arrange everything for you.
Honest Advice
We are teachers too, we know what its like on the ground.
We'll share our experiences so you know what to expect.
Browse Jobs
We have a wide range of opportunities from entry level jobs for newly qualified teachers with no experience to highly paid jobs for those with more qualifications and experience.
Teacher Recruitment
Since 2012, English Jobs Turkey has been working with thousands of applicants each year to find just the right fit for our client schools. We work hard to filter and screen the applicants so you don’t have to. We have an active database of qualified teachers searching for teaching jobs in Turkey.
Get updates about teaching jobs in Turkey. PLUS lesson planning tips, reports and news.
Download Report

"If I was looking for my first job in Turkey, I would give my right arm for this." Alex Cooke
Well, I am not sure about that Alex but I think a lot of people are going to appreciate the information here.
Our aim was to discover the best and the worst teaching job in Turkey!
We interviewed a ton of teachers and asked them everything!
I asked them all a set of very detailed questions about what it's really like to work where they do.
- How much do you earn?
- What's the food like?
- What behaviour management problems do you face?
- Is there anything weird in the contract?
- How many hours do you teach?
- What did they ask in the interview?
- How many Saturday's do you work?
And everything else I could think of!
With all that information I've put together a report which summarizes the key points about working conditions
for teachers in Turkey.
Want to know what its like to teach in Turkey?
Find out now!
Purchase eBook

All our knowledge and experience in one results oriented guide book on getting a teaching job in Turkey.
Everything you need to know about teaching jobs in Turkey!
The exact steps you need to take to get teaching jobs in Turkey
A professional CV writing and design tutorial
A list of schools that hire non-native speakers
A step-by-step guide to creating an introduction video
(including the exact script we have used to get hundreds of teachers hired) -
A guide to obtaining a work permit in Turkey
A list of resources to start making money from teaching even
BEFORE you get a job! (Sounds crazy but its true!)
Download Brochure

It's harder than ever to get the number of quality of teachers you need, at the right time.
English Jobs Turkey (EJT) works with thousands of applicants each year to find just the right fit for its client schools. We filter, screen and test the applicants so you don’t have to.
We know what it takes to be a good teacher because we are teachers too. We also know what makes a happy teacher and how to manage expectations on both sides to ensure the highest level of staff retention.
We can tailor our services to your needs.
Our job is to narrow the field and present you with the best applicants.
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We always treat your data with care and never pass your details to third parties outside of our Group. If you’d like to withdraw your consent to being contacted please email gdpr@englishjobsturkey.com