English Teaching Jobs in Turkey

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Never plan a lesson on your own again!

» Download First Week Free

We'll send you a great new lesson everyday.



Everything has been made especially for Turkish students in private schools like Bilfen, TED, Bahceşehir, Doğa, Cevre, Çoşkun and similar.  We pick up on the common mistakes that students need extra work on but pack the lessons with stuff they love to keep the little angels on our side.



We know you have a busy schedule with surprise meetings and lost weekends!  So don't waste any more time trying to re-invent the wheel on lesson plans.  Effective and engaging lesson materials can help get difficult groups under control.  We've been there and survived.  And now we want to help you through it too.



Our worksheets and handouts are all carefully designed and neatly laid out with answer keys provided.  You just photocopy or print and go.  No matter how hard we try, it's impossible to make a one size fits all product, so we also provide editable versions for those that do want to make some minor tweaks.



You'll receive a lesson per day on the same theme for two weeks.  Our units are aligned to international events such as Earth Day, World Kindess Day, Children's Day and World Food Day so your lessons will always be fresh, topical and relevant.

Spend your free time doing more of the things you love.  Your lessons are covered.

Tried and tested materials that will will help you getthe most out of your lessons.

Grammar Revision

Duration:3h 55m

Tease the content. When reading this, they need to think "I need this RIGHT NOW"

Charlie and Lola Worksheet

Handouts and Homework


Tease the content. When reading this, they need to think "I need this RIGHT NOW"

Smartboard Templates

Duration:3h 55m

Tease the content. When reading this, they need to think "I need this RIGHT NOW"

Themed Lesson Units

Duration:1h 30m

Tease the content. When readingthis, they need to think "I need thisRIGHT NOW"

Revision Board Game


Duration:1h 30m

More benefits

Music and Video Playlists

Duration:4h 35m

By now they should be blown away byeverything that they will be able to achieveafter buying this content.

About the Author

Explain why you're to right person to teach this stuff.This paragraph will convince the reader that we have the right"credentials" to be selling this material. Tell our experience, our struggles and how we overcame them. Talk about results we'veobtained for ourselves or other clients. Don't make this section toolong, just long enough to build credibility and to show off yourpersonality. People buy from people, not from websites. This willhelp to make a personal connection.

“Proin condimentum fermentum nunc, velit mauris egestas quam, ut aliquam massa nisl quis neque.Suspendisse in orci enim.”

You'll Get 5 New Lessons Every Week

Ready to use lesson plans which are engaging, effective, fun and culturally appropriate.


All resources including worksheets, PDFs Powerpoints, homework,audio files and video links!


All the work is done for you!  Years of experience and knowledge, shared with you in an instant!


What People are Saying...

Marc Stevens( Web Design Media )

I got my love for teaching back!  There are so many different topics covered I can always find something my kids will love!

“Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor,nisi elit consequatipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odiosit amet nibhvulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsanipsum velit. (Nam nectellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio.)”

Marc Stevens (WebDesign Media)

Marc Stevens( Web Design Media )

I didn't realise how much time I was wasting searching for an idea on Pinterest when someone had done all the hard work for me

“Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor,nisi elit consequatipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Nullam ac urnaeu felis dapibuscondimentum sit amet a augue. Sed non neque elit. Sed ut imperdiet nisi.Proin condimentum fermentum nunc. Etiampharetra, erat sedfermentum feugiat, velit mauris egestas quam, utaliquam massa nisl quisneque. Suspendisse in orci enim.

Dana Moore (SoftwareSolutions)

Marc Stevens( Web Design Media )


“Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor,nisi elit consequatipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odiosit amet nibhvulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Sed ut imperdietnisi.

Chriss Newton (BlogDesigner)

Is this product right for me?

Your course is not for everybody, you can use this section to pre-select thecustomers that will get the best results.


  • English teachers with students between A2 and B1 Level
  • Anyone looking for fresh ideas
  • People who want to work smarter not harder
  • Teachers moving from an ESL approach to a CLIL approach


  • Duis sed odio sit amet auctor duius
  • Consecutur odio sit amet nibh enim nuncsemper auctor duius
  • Lorem ipsum sed odio sit amet ut nibh
  • Consecutur odio sit amet nibh enim nuncsemper auctor duius

Get [Desired Result] in [Timespan]

Your guarantee should take away the risk of investing inyour product. Eg. Try this online course risk free for[time span - the longer the better] and if you do not[get the desired outcome] just send us a message andwe'll refund your money, no questions asked.

Bonus Section, Time to Over Deliver!

Bonuses are super powerful and will add more value to your core offer. Youcan also use them to create urgency by offering a bonus for a limited timeonly.

» YES, I want to get the Benefits Now

Access to a private Facebook Group

Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursusa sit amet mauris.Morbi ut accumsan ipsum velit. Nam ut nectellus a odiotincidunt auctor a nam ornare odio.


Office Hours= weekly conferencecall

Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursusa sit amet mauris.Morbi ut accumsan ipsum velit. Nam ut nectellus a odiotincidunt auctor a nam ornare odio.


Free BonusReport

Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursusa sit amet mauris.Morbi ut accumsan ipsum velit. Nam ut nectellus a odiotincidunt auctor a nam ornare odio.

Start Today! Choose Your Plan Below

Offering more than one package will multiply your turnover.

Package 1 only $18

  • 2 Lessons
  • Exclusive Bonus content
  • Lifetime access withon-demand download


Package 2 only $29

  • 3 Lessons
  • Exclusive Bonus content
  • 100% satisfactionguarantee


Package 3 only $59

  • 6 Lessons
  • Exclusive Bonus content
  • Lifetime access withon-demand download



Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What should you add to the FAQ?

Answer upfront any questions they might have beforebuying your course. Collect all pre-sale questionsand add them here. For every person willing to askthe question via mail, social media, forum,...dozens of others have the same question but neverask and leave your site without buying.

What happens next?

Explain exactly how they will get access to theonline material.

How long do I have access to the course?

One of the biggest concerns with online courses isthat they can disappear. Address this concern.

Didn't find the answer you're looking for?

Make sure to give an easy way to contact you to askother questions.

How can I get a refund?

Don't avoid "tricky" questions. Be as open aspossible, this will create trust.

Why should I buy this course instead of[competitor's]?

If you know that many people compare your product tothe competitor's, be very clear about why yours isdifferent (and better). Don't stick your head in thesand, it's better to give them the information herethan to have them go away to Google it.

Add as many questions as necessary.

The big advantage of toggles is that you can add alot of questions without cluttering your sales page!

One last thing...

Show your personality in the answers. This isanother opportunity to create a positive experiencefor your (future) customers.

Don't be Left Behind: Get [Course] Today!


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