From the 18th May 2015 Turkish residence applications, modifications and extensions will be done online and NOT at your local police stations.
Here is a link to the application and extension form:
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If you are a teacher, were a teacher, or know a teacher, who works in a private school in Turkey then you’ll agree this list deserves an A+ for Accuracy.
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You’re almost there!
Your CV landed you an interview and now it’s time to seal the deal.
So what’s the best way to approach the interview.
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“Deanna Jump is a 43-year-old kindergarten teacher who earns less than $30,000 a year. But this year, she says she has made $1 million. Yes, really.
How? (TPT), the online marketplace that allows teachers to sell lesson plans to other teachers. Jump became the first teacher on the site to earn more than $1 million on the site by using selling her lesson plans focused on teaching kindergarteners.
“Teaching is a hobby for me now,” Jump says. “I’ve made way more on TeacherPayTeachers, obviously. I don’t need to teach anymore, but teaching is my passion. I cannot imagine not teaching.”
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Until recently, many teachers only got one word of feedback a year: “satisfactory.”
And with no feedback, no coaching, there’s just no way to improve.
In this TED Talk, Bill Gates suggests that even great teachers can get better with smart feedback -- and lays out a program from his foundation to bring it to every classroom.
How does feedback take place in your school?
How often do you get observed? Are the observations a useful way for you to improve as a teacher?
Share your thoughts and experience in the comments below.
Happy teaching!
Native speakers and non-native speakers can both succeed as ESL teachers. It’s true, but there has always been some controversy in the ESL community over the difference between having one or the other teach language courses. Obviously the situation varies from place to place but there are definitely pros and cons for both sides of this debate.
Let’s take a look at just a few key points.
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Turkey has ranked a dismal 43rd out of 44 countries in the English Proficiency Index (EPI), possibly hindering its economic competitiveness, according to a recent report by the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV).
The Ministry of Education is planning to bring 40,000 foreign teachers for language courses.
A new Ministry of Education program plans to bring 40,000 foreign teachers to Turkey for language courses. According to the plan, foreign teachers will be assigned not only to elementary schools and high schools but also to kindergartens.
Some non-governmental organizations have already found fault with the new education program, criticizing government spending to bring in foreign teachers while 400,000 Turkish teachers are waiting for assignments.
Ünal Akyüz, head coordinator of the projects department in the Ministry of Education, said the criticism is baseless because the plan will help the education system in Turkey.
Akyüz said there are currently 48,000 English teachers in Turkey. According to the plan, up to 10,000 foreign English teachers will come to Turkey every year for four years, meaning 40,000 foreign teachers will be assigned to work in the country.